
11:29 PM

Can't believe that January passed by just like that. Sorry I wasn't able to update that much. When I come home after work I usually just go straight to bed. To make up for this month's hiatus, here are some pictures taken this month :)

New Years Eve - Broke our family's tradition of spending New Years Eve at our Lola's house by spending it in Batangas this year. My mom wanted to spend it in a beach, hence, we stayed at La Luz Resort.

 Basking under the sun :)

Look at our visitor in the office! Now this is why I don't like standing next to tall people. My small height's emphasized! Hahaha!

Dinner at Papa John's with the gang! Too bad some of us couldn't make it. Missed them <3

T.G.I.F with the officemates!

So this is it for now since I still have to wake up early for work tomorrow. Aaahh, Mondays!

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